18 research outputs found

    Alternative method for the metrological characterization of spur gears in the sub-millimeter range using optical equipment

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    The aim of this work is to develop a software that allows the inspection of spur gear manufactured in the sub-millimeter range. The measurements are made using a digital optical machine and using an analysis proprietary software implemented in Matlab®, which is able to handle images, captured using the digital optical machine. The software allows to evaluate the profile and pitch deviations as establish in the ISO/TR 10064-1:1992 standar

    A proposal for the metrological characterization of circular features with digital optical machines

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    This paper aims to analyze the different adjustment methods commonly used to characterize indirect metrology circular features: least square circle, minimum zone circle, maximum inscribed circle and minimum circumscribed circle. The analysis was performed from images obtained by digital optical machines. The calculation algorithms, self-developed, have been implemented in Matlab® and take into consideration as study variables: the amplitude of angular sector of the circular feature, its nominal radio and the magnification used by the optical machine. Under different conditions, it was determined the radius and circularity error of different circular standards. The comparison of the results, obtained by the different methods of adjustments used, with certified values for the standards, has allowed us to determine the accuracy of each method and its scope

    Uncertainty in ellipse fitting using a flatbed scanner: development and experimental verification

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    In the field of dimensional metrology, the use of optical measuring machines requires the handling of a large number of measurement points, or scanning points, taken from the image of the measurand. The presence of correlation between these measurement points has a significant influence on the uncertainty of the result. The aim of this work is the development of an estimation procedure for the uncertainty of measurement in a geometrically elliptical shape, taking into account the correlation between the scanning points. These points are obtained from an image produced using a commercial flat bed scanner. The characteristic parameters of the ellipse (coordinates of the center, semi-axes and the angle of the semi-major axis with regard to the horizontal) are determined using a least squares fit and orthogonal distance regression. The uncertainty is estimated using the information from the auto-correlation function of the residuals and is propagated through the fitting algorithm according to the rules described in Evaluation of Measurement Data—Supplement 2 to the ‘Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement’—Extension to any number of output quantities. By introducing the concept of cut-off length, it can be observed how it is possible to take into account the presence of the correlation in the estimation of uncertainty in a very simple way while avoiding underestimation

    Acciones de acogida del proyecto mentor de la EUITI

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    Desde el curso académico 2008/2009 el Proyecto Mentor de la Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Industrial (EUITI) de la UPM [1] participa en distintas acciones de acogida de los alumnos de nuevo ingreso propio del centro. Estas actividades son el primer contacto de los mentores con los alumnos de nuevo ingreso y además son reforzadas por el apoyo y experiencia de los tutores y mentores del curso anterior, favoreciendo la interrelación de alumnos de distintos cursos y especialidades. Para la correcta realización de estas actividades, los alumnos mentores reciben un intensivo programa de formación que incluye aspectos psicosociales propios de la mentoría [2]. La presente comunicación tiene el propósito de describir dichas acciones así como presentar y valorar los resultados obtenidos a través de la encuest

    Claves de éxito para la implantación de un proceso de mentoría en una Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería

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    (SPA) El trabajo que se presenta en esta comunicación tiene el objetivo de resaltar algunas de las claves de éxito para la implantación de un proceso de mentoría en una Escuela Técnica en base a la experiencia desarrollada por profesores que participan como tutores en un Proyecto de Mentoría. El trabajo se desarrolla en un formato de pregunta ? respuesta para facilitar la comprensión y permitir replicar la ejecución de un proceso de características similares. (ENG) This communication describes the keys for the successful implantation of a mentoring process in an engineering school based on the experience of the professors who have participated as mentors in the mentoring program Proyecto Mentor. The exposition has a question-response format to facilitate the understanding necessary to replicate in practice a program with similar characteristics

    A Model to Determinate the Influence of Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of Input Quantities in Measurements

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    A method for analysing the effect of different hypotheses about the type of the input quantities distributions of a measurement model is presented here so that the developed algorithms can be simplified. As an example, a model of indirect measurements with optical coordinate measurement machine was employed to evaluate these different hypotheses. As a result of the different experiments, the assumption that the different variables of the model can be modelled as normal distributions is proved


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    A significant share of the total power loss in a modern automotive engine is due to the friction interaction between the upper compression ring (the “top ring”) and the cylinder wall. This paper presents the results of simulations on the friction interaction top ring/cylinder wall in a SI engine taking into account the mixed lubrication (ML) regime and considering different engine operating conditions, lubricant viscosity, surface roughness. The oil film thickness prediction describes a sensible different behaviour in the case of the entire stroke in ML regime while the plots confirm bigger portions of the four strokes in hydrodynamic regime for high speed/low load operating conditions. A quite insensible response of the friction coefficient is observed for ring roughness in the neighbour of 1.00 μm, while an effective gain on the mechanical efficiency is achievable only below 0.40 μm

    Procedure for Calibrating the Z-axis of a Confocal Microscope: Application for the Evaluation of Structured Surfaces

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    This work describes a method for the metrological characterization of structured surfaces using a confocal microscope. The proposed method is based on the calculation of texture parameters established in ISO 25178-2:2012. To ensure the traceability of these parameters, a procedure for the calibration of the Z-axis of the confocal microscope is proposed. The calculation of uncertainty associated with each parameter employs the Monte Carlo method, as well as the concept of a virtual instrument. The validity of the algorithms has been verified through the use of synthetic data provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and physical standards, with minimum differences being obtained between the certified values and calculated or measured values. Finally, using the proposed method, the topography of a structured surface manufactured by laser machining is evaluated, obtaining the most used roughness parameters, as well as their measurement uncertainties and possible correlations. In general, it can be affirmed that it is possible to obtain metrologically reliable results with the proposed method